Monday, July 23, 2007

What do you like most about blogging?

I love to blog

What can I say! I love the technology, i love that i can create artsy stuff, i love that i can talk to people all over the world.

What do YOU like most about blogging?


Greeneyes said...

Making new friends and meeting wonderful people like you !

Smalltown RN said...

I like that I too can chat with people all around the world...I can see how creative people can be...and boy or boy are people creative...and speaking of creative that is the theme this weeks photo should check it out and play....BTW...thanks for you kind thoughts the other day it was greatly appreciated....

Spider Girl said...

I love the feeling of being connected with the world--I'm a person who likes to strike up conversations with strangers and this is the perfect medium to do that.

dragonflyfilly said...

greeneyes well, thanks so much for the lovely compliment...back at you ! you are so sweet!

smalltown rn you are most welcome. and check my Crafts Blog for my submission to the photo hunt

spider girl that is so true!

Gina E. said...

Hi Dragonfly, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your 'autograph' in my Guest Book. My reasons for blogging are all the above and more!
Gina in Oz.

Anonymous said...

Hello!! Time does fly by doesn't it! I have been so busy with homework I have not been blog hopping much myself...checked Bun-Buns today and seen you had stopped by. Always happy to say HI!!! Hope life is treating you well in your part of the country.


dragonflyfilly said...

thanks for stoppinb by gina, and Peg, tried to get in touch with you but cannot access your Blog.

will try again later,
cheers for now,

Ian Lidster said...

I think it's the cyber-friendships, like with you, for example.
I've also been fortunate enough to have met a handful of blogger buddies in real life and it turned out that my affinity for them on blog was fully justified.
I hope you are well and that life is unfolding as it should.

laughingwolf said...

surrey, eh? i used to wuz in north delta ;) lol

thx for dropping over and the kind comments....

dragonflyfilly said...

"wuz"? laughingwolf? , as in "wuzup?"

David Amulet said...

For me, it's a chance to practice different ideas and new turns of phrase in a "safe" format. it's hard to get a random sample of reactions to things any other way.